September 2022 represents a very significant month in my life. Fifty years ago, I left my position at the AFL-CIO Headquarters in Washington, D.C. I launched into the faith adventure of full-time Christian ministry.

To celebrate this milestone, I’d like to share four gifts with you!

Previously I was spiritually lost as a drummer for the Cleveland rock group, The Lost Souls. We’re not in the “Rock-n-Roll Hall of Fame” but Joe Walsh and the James Gang, Phil Keaggy and Glass Harp, Alice Cooper, the Outsiders and Eric Carmen were all locals as I departed the music scene with my new found freedom in Christ.

The Bible speaks of a Year of Jubilee (Lev. 25 and 27) every 50 years signifying the opportunity to start over, be liberated from enslavement and gain economic blessing. It’s what Jesus declared upon launching His ministry (Luke 4:18-19) and what I’m currently celebrating. If you have a 50th birthday, wedding anniversary or simply would like to learn the biblical significance of this milestone, read on plus receive the free gifts I pray will help and encourage you to finish well.

The early Christian colonists put a passage from Leviticus 25 on the Liberty Bell: “Proclaim Liberty Throughout All the Land unto All the Inhabitants thereof…” (v.10). They intended to lay hold of God’s promises in the New World, and enjoy liberty and prosperity as God’s covenant-keeping people.

As Naomi had lost hope for her future and family described in the Book of Ruth, she entered a Jubilee year of renewed blessings, returned to her roots, was reunited with her family and enjoyed a wonderful inheritance instead of horrible hardship.

Do you need a fresh start and would you like to experience some Jubilee Year blessings? Do you desire fruitfulness and yearn for a breakthrough? Have you learned the lessons God intended from mistakes and setbacks to now “set your face like a flint” to experience more of the abundant life by faith and obedience?

4 Gifts for Greater Impact

1. Get better organized. “For God is not the author of confusion but of peace… Let all things be done decently and in order” (1 Cor. 14:33, 40).

Summer’s end provides you the opportunity to make necessary changes to live a more peaceful and productive life. Determine to overcome the tyranny of the urgent, set priorities and declutter. Remind yourself regularly with this mantra: “Less clutter—more calm.”

Not long ago I devoted a number of days to clearing out accumulated cell phone data, old clothes and workspace clutter. It makes all the difference in the world! Whether it’s your kitchen, closets, a desk, your study or garage, don’t procrastinate any longer but tackle the tasks.

Let the Good Shepherd guide you in recalibrating your life for less stress and more fruit. May this not be a description of you anymore:

“The clock is my dictator, I shall not rest. It makes me lie down only when exhausted. It leads me to deep depression. It hounds my soul. It leads me in circles of frenzy for activity’s sake. Even though I run frantically from task to task, I will never get it all done. For my ideal is with me. Deadlines and my need for approval, they drive me. They demand performance from me, beyond the limits of my schedule. They anoint my head with migraines. My in-basket overflows. Surely fatigue and time pressure shall follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the bounds of frustration forever” (Ps. 23 Antithesis).

2. Pursue personal growth. “Do you not know that all those who run in a race run, but one receives the prize? So run that you may obtain it” (1 Cor. 9:24).

For the glory of God and the advancement of His kingdom, it’s important we stay committed to maturing as Christians. Before the holidays are here (Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year’s will be here before you know it!), how about doing something “radical”: set aside some special time (a day or a few for a fall retreat) to evaluate areas of your life, be refreshed and seek God for what He might have you do differently. Give yourself permission to do what Jesus told his disciples, “Come away by yourselves to a remote place and rest a while” (Mark 6:31).

10 benefits you can derive from this:

1. Deeper relationship with Jesus

2. Hope

3. Finding focus

4. Creating momentum

5. Increasing fruitfulness

6. Discovering direction

7. Being refreshed

8. Peacefully planning

9. Drawing encouragement

10. Getting some rest

Are you long overdue to take a day off for solitude and silence to simply hear God’s still small voice for your life? Have you drifted in your “temple maintenance?”

Dr. Oz shared a recent study of over 190,000 people showing we can reduce dementia risk by 60% irrespective of genetic background simply by making five basic lifestyle changes: 1. Healthy food choices and portion control. 2. Regular exercise. 3. Engagement in cognitively stimulating activities. 4. Avoiding tobacco exposure. 5. Moderate alcohol intake.

3. Learn lifestyle evangelism. “Go into all the world and preach the gospel” (Mark 16:15). I encourage you to make a quality decision that you will be intentional like Jesus “to seek and to save that which was lost” (Luke 19:10). Not only is there “more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents” (Luke 15:7), but you’ll experience “joy unspeakable” by proactively sharing your faith consistently, relationally, naturally and enjoyably.

Click on YouTube “Loving Lifestyle Evangelism” which is my free gift to help you. You’ll have 5 20-minute videos to equip and inspire you! After investing a few minutes spread over five days your life will be changed and you’ll be confident in sharing your faith!

4. Become an informed influencer. “Be wise in the way you act toward outsiders; make the most of every opportunity. Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everything.” (Col. 4:5-6). [emphasis mine]

Deception abounds in our culture. Biblical illiteracy is rampant. Seducers fool unsuspecting masses. “By smooth talk and flattery, they deceive the minds of naïve people” (Rom. 16:18b).

It’s time for Christians to rise to the occasion to counter the lies by winsomely and confidently communicating truth!

Again I offer you a free gift instantly available on YouTube called the “Bullseye Challenge”—30 compelling 3-minute videos to prepare you to engage with people boldly and from a biblically informed worldview on the hot button issues of our day!

You’ll make a difference in people’s lives and rescue them from deception on issues like abortion, homosexuality, gay marriage, immigration, transgenderism, living together and marijuana.

Here’s the Deal: Amidst today’s turbulent times, will you receive these gifts to enable you to truly be a difference maker, changing lives for the glory of God? Celebrating my Year of Jubilee, I’m passionate to prepare you! 

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