When I celebrated my 50th anniversary in ministry, I gave thanks to God for revealing one very special message I’ve passed along to multitudes. It is a message that I believe has changed lives.

This past week, I heard from two people in Virginia and Tennessee thanking me for helping them by passing along this golden nugget.

In Matthew 24, when Jesus was asked what were the signs signaling His Second Coming, but most importantly what would be “[The] sign of Your coming and of the end of the age?” The pinnacle one was “This gospel of the kingdom will be preached throughout the world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come” (v.14).

Personal evangelism to advance the gospel of the kingdom is a directive, not an elective. What follows is the secret to developing consistency in being a “doer of the Word” in this turbulent time. The adventure of lifestyle evangelism is to be natural, relational and enjoyable the way Jesus modeled.

For over five decades, I’ve encouraged people to be equipped as “ambassadors” by learning from the parable of the “sower and the seed” where “the seed is the Word” (Luke 8:11) and reaping comes as a process of cultivating soil, removing weeds, planting seeds and watering for the harvest.

The Simple Message

The secret that’s helped scores to get going and keep going is to write up one’s personal testimony tract and then be sensitive to “divine appointments” to love and serve people, engage conversationally, establish common ground then plant the seed by simply asking people who then feel comfortable with you, “May I give you this little leaflet that shares my spiritual journey? I think you’ll find it encouraging.”

Charles Spurgeon taught his people “not to go out without your tracts.” The founder of Jews For Jesus came to Yeshua through a tract. Some of my friends and family members were born again via testimony tracts. Paul shared his testimony three times in the book of Acts and Revelation12:11 teaches Satan is defeated “…by the word of their testimony…”. Dump “dumb” tracts and distribute divinely anointed ones!

Sow “seed” intentionally by connecting with people then offer them your testimony tract which shares the gospel. For decades I’ve given out about two or three of my personal tracts on a daily basis and estimate that 98 out of 100 people receive them. Only in eternity will I discover the multitudes of men and women who came to Christ through them.

Reliable studies show there are often about six or seven “contacts” with the gospel before genuine conversion. The “hidden hand of God” is ever at work in people’s lives so pray when you “plant the seed” and trust the Holy Spirit to do His work. Billy Graham shared how a high official in Portugal came to Christ after reading a gospel tract that stuck to his shoe!

Getting Started Designing Your Personal Tract

People always want to see a copy of my personal testimony tract to use as a model. Use any part of it below after starting with four or five paragraphs telling your unique story!

Cover: Design your tract with an attractive cover, putting your picture with a curious title like “A moment ago, we met. Was it a coincidence?”

Intro: Hi! Just a moment ago we met. In the brief contact we had there wasn’t much time to talk. That is why I handed you this. Would you be kind enough to read it?

Not long ago one of the world’s richest men died a pathetic hermit. His wealth was estimated in the billions. The once vibrant figure was asked near the end of his life if he was happy. He replied “No.”

Body: All of us search for meaning and fulfillment in life. I searched for years and came up empty. During my high school years… [Here is where I share in the next five or six short paragraphs my path of emptiness and confusion]. Avoid religious jargon and keep it simple!

Transition: Over the course of time, I had some very stimulating conversations with people who told me they were Christians. They helped me realize there is a big difference between “religion” and a relationship with God through the person of Jesus Christ. Finally, in a simple prayer, I asked God’s forgiveness for my sin and turned away from my disobedience to His commands (repented). Then I put my total trust in Jesus to be my Lord and Savior who not only died on the cross but rose from the dead and is alive today! He was punished so I could be pardoned. I accepted this free gift to begin a new life as I pledged to follow and obey Him.

Application: Are you experiencing an abundant, meaningful life? Have you discovered your purpose for living? If you died tonight, do you know where you would spend eternity? If you “count the cost” and are ready to change and commit to follow Him, pray something like this:

“Jesus, I admit I’ve been going my own way and living for myself apart from You. I believe You died on the cross in my place and rose from the dead. Today I’m choosing to ask your forgiveness, and put my faith totally in You as my Lord and Savior. I ask You to come into my life and supernaturally change me. I commit to obey You as my Lord. In Your name I pray. Amen.”

Closing: I strongly encourage you to start reading the Bible in the gospel of John and get involved in a church community of authentic Christians. This will cause you to grow in your new adventure as a Christian, learn the Bible, develop friends and find support for your new life in Christ!

Here’s the Deal: The secret I’ve given to you may seem childlike and simple, but God will honor your obedience and faith. If you get started on this path, you’ll look back on this as a turning point as you embraced the beautiful habit of sowing seed as what Jesus described as a “fisher of men.”

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