
About 10 years ago when Target changed their policy to allow transgender in women’s bathrooms and changing rooms, I met with a manager and respectfully expressed my conviction that this was dangerous and wrong.

I told him that I would not return to shop at their stores until they returned to their original sane, safe policy. I’ve never made another purchase at Target and recent disclosures of their LGBTQ and satanic clothing for children simply solidifies my decision.

Similarly, when Howard Schultz, the CEO of Starbucks announced their policy was wholeheartedly support for homosexual “marriage” and if stockholders differed they could sell their stock, I immediately stopped buying their products. I’m probably better off because previously I was spending probably $2,000.00 yearly on their coffee. I simply make iced coffee at home (or get free “seniors” coffee at Arby’s or $0.50 coffee at McDonalds) and am no longer complicit with them in their pushing of a gay agenda.

Like Franklin Graham, I distinguish between stores serving all people and a company articulating a clear-cut position of endorsement for that which is anathema to our Holy God.

Woke Corporations

Because of biblical convictions, I will not patronize Disney, Home Depot and a few others. Have you read where Disneyland features a man in a dress with a mustache as a “fairy godmother apprentice” welcoming little girls to their dress boutique?

Anheuser-Busch and Target are currently getting a gut punch from their woke attempts as masses wake up and are pushing back, resulting in both companies suffering massive financial setbacks. The Dodgers are next as they will start to experience the impact of spitting in the face of Christians, especially Catholics, by honoring transvestite, sacrilegious “nuns” who blaspheme the Eucharist and cross of Christ.

LGBTQ activist executives at these companies impose their agenda of mocking religious faith and disrespecting consumers but people are finally awakening to boycott their diabolical schemes harming our children and the moral fiber of our nation.

Understanding Boycotts

Are boycotts biblical? Let’s look at this through the lens of Scripture and hopefully find grace-filled revelation on this theme whether a “personal boycott” or corporate.

A boycott takes place when a collective group of people engage in a concerted refusal to have dealings with an entity in order to express disagreements and encourage needed change.

An outstanding movie starring, Sissy Spacek and Whoopi Goldberg called “The Long Walk Home” portrayed the Montgomery Bus Boycott of 1955 that triggered the civil rights movement and honored icons Rosa Parks and Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

It lasted a year and not only ended racial segregation in public transportation there, but it was a seminal moment in launching needed change regarding sinful discrimination in our nation. Similarly, I’ve watched films highlighting peaceful protests and boycotts of sweatshops to change reprehensible working conditions and abuse of children in America.

You may recall that, in 2015, the so-called “War on Christmas” that was pushed by progressive leftists throughout America influencing cowardly corporations to instruct their employees to refrain from saying “Merry Christmas” and only say secular, holiday greetings. This was met with opposition, led by courageous traditional activists like Donald Trump and Bill O’Reilly and a soft explosion of quiet boycotts ensued—effectively quashing this demonic effort to remove Jesus Christ and the true meaning of Christmas.

We won that war and today, it’s no longer even an issue.


What would Jesus do? With today’s hot button, controversial issues, would He compromise or cave to “woke” propaganda and carve out cowardly middle ground positions to “not offend anybody”?

Multitudes of people, including Christians, have a misdirected understanding of Jesus in His earthly ministry. Their image of Christ is one of a squishy, soft-spoken shepherd sitting on a hillside, stroking little lambs. The correct concept of Jesus should be a muscular figure who worked in a carpenter’s shop, cutting heavy stone; walking miles in blazing sun then speaking to massive crowds without amplification; overthrowing money tables that desecrated the worship center; labeling Herod a “fox” (Luke 13:32) and with steely-eyed gaze confronting Pilate, “You would have no power over me except what was given to you from above!” (John 19:11).

Civic Engagement

Jesus told us, “Occupy ’til I come” (Luke 19:13) as “salt of the earth” (Matt. 5:13) holding back decay. He commissioned us to proclaim the transformative message of the gospel with all its ethical implications. Just as He “went about doing good” (Acts 10:38), so must we too “Let justice roll down like waters and righteousness like an ever-flowing stream.” (Amos 5:24)

History is replete with Christian activism, not apathy, in the face of moral decline. Franklin Graham tells us, “The world wants you to sit down and shut up. God wants you to stand up and shout the truth!” A Vermont coach and his daughter spoke courageously about a teen transgender boy watching girls undress in a locker room and after he was fired and she was expelled, they sued and just won $125,000.00—plus both were reinstated!

Consider the sweeping changes that took place in the First and Second Great Awakenings; Wilberforce ending slavery in England, which reverberated to America; Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. paying with his life to eliminate racial injustice; Bonhoeffer, rallying the nation against Hitler and the Nazis socialist machine, was martyred for his work; Chuck Colson leading prison reform, which reverberated throughout the world.

Throughout history, Christians have address issues: child abandonment, abortion, infanticide and barbaric gladiator spectacles that were stopped by early church engagement; outlawing of pedophilia; women no longer property without voting rights; banning of polygamy; ending of slavery and children in horrific labor conditions; care for the poor, widows and orphans, etc.

Boycott Guidelines

  • Pray – Ask God for wisdom and discernment (James 1:5-8).
  • No Violence – God hates it (Ps. 11:5); no arms (Matt. 26:52); practice civility (2 Tim. 2:24-26).
  • Address Issues of Injustice – Uphold principles not preferences (Acts 4:18-20).
  • Be Realistic – In faith, they’ll be supported (Rom. 14:23).
  • Last Resort – Appeals exhausted/stand (Eph. 6:10-17).

Here’s the Deal: Nehemiah was a government official whose mission was rebuilding broken down walls amidst a cultural crisis. In the final chapter of his book, he identified mixture, materialism and martial decay. He was now apathetic but activated by God to expose and expel compromisers who were dangerous and destructive to the people and the purpose of God. May God give us courage and guidance regarding any boycotts in our generation as we “take no part in the unfruitful works of darkness but expose them” (Eph. 5:11). 

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