As pressures continue to intensify in these turbulent times, the Bible warns us that there is going to be a great falling away.Have you noticed some family and friends who formally served the Lord Jesus with passion but now are deceived having drifted away from the...
Recently, I did a commentary “Understanding the End Times for Non-Dummies,” playing off the “For Dummies” series that has sold over 250 million copies helping people learn important subjects in an easy to understand way. This second...
During the Jesus movement, Hal Lindsey’s book, “The Late Great Planet Earth,” sold 35 million copies. His movie, narrated by Orson Welles, suggested Henry Kissinger as the Antichrist. Then came “88 Reasons Christ Will Return in 1988.”...
The famous “For Dummies” series is a global phenomenon launched over 30 years ago, selling over 250 million copies. The appeal is helping people learn key subjects in an easy-to-understand manner. Let’s briefly examine three critical areas: the end...
Just days ago, 15 United States senators issued an urgent call for the Drug Enforcement Administration, demanding it deny rescheduling marijuana as a lower risk drug. Numerous reasons were cited, but one of the major ones was the fact that THC levels in today’s...
Everywhere I go, I find people commenting “I can’t believe how time is flying. Life seems to be going by so fast!” They tell me, “Days and months seem to be zipping by almost in a blur.” Is this a fantasy or reality? Is it our imagination...
In the Gospels, Jesus gave one of His sternest warnings about those who manipulate and models for children sinful behavior that causes them to stumble (Matt.18:6). Today’s 55% of children 8–11 have smartphones and are being led into extremely harmful ways, and...
The Bible teaches that “God is not the author of confusion” (1 Cor. 14:33); but He certainly is the revealer of it! One way to confuse people is to speak in a way that’s unclear and conveys the idea that an issue is too complex to understand so...
A total of 12.8 million Americans viewed the first presidential debate featuring the Republican candidates. Counter programming had Tucker Carlson with former President Donald Trump and it drew 150 million-plus viewers. Former Vice President Mike Pence drew 3% in a...
Before Rush Limbaugh left this planet for his heavenly home, he warned us that the Democratic Party wants “Michelle My Bell” in the White House. Years ago, I wrote a commentary saying the same thing. The day of reckoning is fast approaching for Mr. Biden...