Historians generally agree on seven contributing factors to the collapse of a nation. You’re probably familiar with most of them and are aware America is currently on very thin ice. Do you know the one most ignored and unknown but presently exploding in...
When I celebrated my 50th anniversary in ministry, I gave thanks to God for revealing one very special message I’ve passed along to multitudes. It is a message that I believe has changed lives. This past week, I heard from two people in Virginia and Tennessee...
Amid corruption and cultural collapse, one word captures our mandate in this serious time. Is this the final battle?Jesus said, “the one who perseveres to the end will be saved” (Matt. 24:13, BSB). What did John Wesley write on his deathbed to political...
As a Christian journalist for half a century, I have tried to steer clear of sensationalism. So when Trump says, “America faces it’s final battle,” David Horowitz released a book, titled “The Final Battle.” Franklin Graham recently shared...
Sending children off to college today is filled with excitement and challenges many of us never faced in our day. Our permissive society and cancel culture try to eradicate traditional standards regarding sexuality and moral purity.A “USA Today” national...
General William Booth’s advice on how to activate Christians to share the gospel passionately and consistently still stands. He believed people plunged into the fires of hell would profit more than even from years in seminary. That may be a bit of hyperbole, but...
Teachers’ unions. Progressive ideology. Social engineering. Black Lives Matter curriculum. LGBTQ agenda. CRT propaganda. What’s going on in public education, and why is it collapsing across America? Deuteronomy 6:7-8 lists God’s education plan for...
Taylor Swift’s latest song is “Karma,” the Hindu equivalent of the Biblical concept of ‘sowing and reaping.’ Sir Walter Scott warned, “Oh, what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive.” Exercising our First...
When Jesus told us about the signposts to watch for when His appearing is near, He stated that it would be like the days of Noah. Genesis 6 describes the three characteristics of that extremely demonic era: moral depravity, widespread corruption and rampant...
A national poll revealed that Millennials and Gen Z, who comprise more than half our population, say they’re “not proud to be an American” (Social Construct) while 52%—36% of the former and 16% of the latter—registered this shocking...