15 Tips for Fathers to Leave a Lasting Legacy

15 Tips for Fathers to Leave a Lasting Legacy

(stock.adobe.com) Days ago we had the privilege of hosting a young man of God who lived with us for a couple years while attending college. Sitting down for a delicious salmon dinner I peppered him with questions going down memory lane.”Eric, what are some of...
Are Boycotts Biblical?

Are Boycotts Biblical?

(stock.adobe.com) About 10 years ago when Target changed their policy to allow transgender in women’s bathrooms and changing rooms, I met with a manager and respectfully expressed my conviction that this was dangerous and wrong. I told him that I would not...
5 Steps to Succeed Over Secret Sin

5 Steps to Succeed Over Secret Sin

(Charisma News archives) When I first came to Christ, a tract titled “I’ll Never Tell Anyone I Have a Problem With…” caught my attention. I was not alone. It helped multitudes get free from sexual sin. When we face besetting sins that seem to...
Is America Coming Apart or Coming into Revival?

Is America Coming Apart or Coming into Revival?

All of us committed Christians long for a fresh move of God in our generation, especially during these trying times. As Thomas Paine, American patriot, said in 1776, “These are times that try men’s souls.”Another quote that is relevant in our current...
I’ll Not Be a Useful Idiot. Will You?

I’ll Not Be a Useful Idiot. Will You?

(stock.adobe.com) The past two years living under radicalized, extremist “progressive” policies have caused untold suffering for the citizens of this nation. Simply put, we have been betrayed.President Joe Biden may not be around for the coming...

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