4 Keys to Keep You from Drowning in Debt

4 Keys to Keep You from Drowning in Debt

(Unsplash) Amidst today’s ongoing discouraging economic news, God reminds us of His promised blessings if we obey. We are intended to thrive, not merely survive. Our heavenly Father is “El Shaddai”—God who is more than enough—not “El...
6 Tips for Winning Catholics to Christ

6 Tips for Winning Catholics to Christ

(Unsplash) “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature” (Mark16:15). In over 50 years of ministry here’s one of the most asked questions I’ve faced: “How do you witness to a good Catholic?” There are many who are...
Why Electric Cars May Not Be Worth the Hassle

Why Electric Cars May Not Be Worth the Hassle

(Unsplash) While president of the student body at Cleveland State University, I led the initiative for a healthy environment. Stopping pollution, cleaning up Lake Erie and raising awareness were top priorities. As a Christian, I know the Bible directs us to be...

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