There is no record in the Gospels that Jesus taught His disciples how to preach, but He did teach them to pray. The Bible says He taught them “that men ought always to pray, and not to faint” (Luke 18:1b, KJV). Therefore, it is essential that we understand...
“Larry, I’m a pastor and I want to be like Billy Graham—preach the gospel! I don’t want to get involved in politics.” Graham did preach the gospel and lots more. He told me personally (pointing to his Bible), “Stay in the book!” Remember: Graham was an...
The Bible teaches that all human life is sacred, from the womb to the tomb. God directs us to “Open your mouth for the speechless, In the cause of all who are appointed to die” (Prov. 31:8, NKJV). With the most consequential election in America’s...
The Bible explicitly says in the Old and New Testament: “God created them, male and female he created them” (Gen. 1:27b, ESV). Science supports this by affirming that men have an X and Y chromosome and women have an X and X chromosome. Today in a woke...
There is a blockbuster movie in your local AMC theater being shown 32 times daily here in Franklin, Tennessee. The moviegoers are primarily young people and parents, many of whom are unsuspecting of what lies ahead. Disney lures kids and young people with an...
The Paris Olympics have ended, and it was not only the gold medalists who gained attention worldwide, but also the controversial topic of gender. Angela Carini, a female police officer from Italy, threw in the towel after an Olympic boxer with elevated...
Living in the Music City USA area, I hear lots of classic summer anthems, one of which is “California Girls” by The Beach Boys. Katy Perry and Snoop Dogg did a number with the same title (although they spelled it differently) that became song of the...
These are discouraging times unless we have a heavenly perspective. We need encouragement because, in the words of the late man of God Charles Simpson, “Encouragement is to the soul what oxygen is to the body.” The Bible tells us, “But encourage one...
The Bible tells us, “The years of our life are seventy, or even by reason of strength eighty” (Ps. 90:10a, ESV). None of us can stay young, but we can stay youthful and fruitful. How about you?In this era of cataclysmic change coming at us at lightning speed, we...
Amid all the chaos, catastrophic change and constant crisis in America, patriotic and freedom-loving Americans have given themselves to fervent intercession. We have prayed daily, as in the book of Daniel, that God would raise up the righteous and remove the ungodly....