A young girl called me: “I wonder if I’m gay?”Parents notice hints with their son or daughter, making them wonder, “Where did we go wrong?” Congress proposes banning TikTok for surveillance and inappropriate content glorifying...
The Bible teaches that “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever” (Heb. 13:8, NKJV). Yet there are many today embracing the message of a film that teaches miracles, healing, gifts of the Spirit, speaking in tongues and so forth have ceased.We...
In the book of Revelation, God issued this invitation, “Come up here and I will show you what must take place after this” (Rev.4:1b, NIV). He is issuing that same invite to all of us, as we are rapidly approaching the end of the age.For over three decades,...
For 3 1/2 decades, leaders from around the nation have gathered for an annual leadership roundtable forum. As a participant for almost 30 years, I count it an honor to continue building strong friendships with fellow leaders whose passion is to “hear what the...
If you missed it or simply want to reinforce the 10 essentials for seeing America restored, watch and listen attentively to senior prophetic leader Dutch Sheets as he brings before us the building blocks to bring America back. A collapsing civilization,...
Jesus told us that at the end of the age, deception would be the No. 1 sign prior to His return. Are you aware of that which is swirling around us to lead us on the wrong path? How about your church and your children? A leader says IHOP should be closed....
I’m a bit of a dreamer, and I invite you to dream along with me for a better America. This is not a pipe dream (the term originated from opium smokers in China escaping reality in swirling smoke) but rather a striving for the ideal while suffering with...
The just-released classified documents, report and investigation of Joe Biden are a nightmare for the man in the Oval Office. Are you paying attention to what’s happening, and do you realize that it exposes this man as incapable of carrying out the presidential...
Alleged conspiracies have dominated news reports for the past few years. A conspiracy is a “secret plan to do something unlawful and harmful.”Which ones are valid and which ones are frauds? We must be informed influencers to recognize the difference...
“I will bless those who bless you, and I will curse him who curses you; and in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed” (Gen. 12:3, NKJV). The above biblical passage represents both a blessing and warning. It introduces the starting point of...