The wheels of judgment grind slowly, but surely. Tens of millions in America and abroad believe “the gig is up” for Joe Biden and his presidency. He may not agree, but the tidal wave is building daily that will overtake his stubborn resistance and state of denial...
Jesus told us that we are the “salt of the earth,” but if we lose our saltiness we are no good except to be “thrown out and trampled underfoot by men” (Matt. 5:13b, NKJV). Salt prevents decay, and that is part of our role as Christians in our world. Salt also makes...
If you watched the recent debate with Biden and Trump, you saw what watchmen on the wall and I have been warning about for years, which is that Biden is incompetent, incapacitated and incapable of doing the job. Breaking news, Spirit-filled...
The Bible tells us, “We see through a glass, darkly” (1 Cor. 13:12b, KJV), so sharing predictions is not an exact science. We know that past performance can be a fairly reliable predictor of future behavior, so with two presidential debates on the horizon, let’s...
The greatest sermon ever given by the greatest teacher who ever lived is what’s known as the Sermon on the Mount. It begins when Jesus “sat down” (Matt. 5:1b, NIV) and began to share informally what was on His heart. I felt impressed by God recently to...
LGBTQ parades, programs, products and promotions abound as Scripture sheds light: “They not only do the same, but also give hearty approval to those who practice them” (Rom. 1:32b, NASB 1995). To help us laugh a little to keep from crying, The Babylon Bee offers:...
Every year, a prestigious and embarrassing award goes to a political leader who tells the biggest “whopper.” Guess who may be leading the pack to secure the prize? The current inner circle and power brokers most influential in Joe Biden‘s life are led...
In five months we will hold what is likely the most consequential election for president in America’s history. While our hope and focus are not primarily in an earthly leader, we do know that the Bible says, “When the righteous are in authority the people...
Bible-believing Christians understand the dark spiritual forces behind the collapse of the 114-year-old Boy Scouts of America. Beelzebub (“ruler of the demons” (Matt. 12:24) orchestrated his “woke” strategy, and the tottering organization hangs by a thread, now...
God gave us a holy heads-up to understand prophetically what’s happening in our generation. He promised to shake everything that can be shaken (see Heb. 12:26) “in order that the things that cannot be shaken may remain” (Heb.12:27b). On our watch, as the old song...