I never intended to write a book. Imagine being 21 years old at a conference with thousands when the keynote speaker cancels and instead I’m asked to speak! This was the scenario in which I found myself without notes or a clue what to say.
I decided to simply share what I knew best-my life story. Afterwords a publisher asked me if I’d write it as a book because he believed it would help millions who’d identify with my journey. Now it’s an audiobook and I want to give it to you as a gift asking if you’d engage with me to likewise give it to family and friends who you want to reach with God‘s amazing love.
As a result of your encouragement and much prayer, God put it on my heart to release this audiobook free of charge as an evangelistic tool so that together we can reach multitudes for Jesus. He told us the “fields are white for harvest but the laborers are few” so we should “pray the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into the harvest”(Lk.10:2).
Let’s go for it! All of our family, friends, relatives and colleagues whom we care about need the message of God’s transformative love. Give them a gift; there’s no limit, no charge!
- Pray.
- Click button down the page to download the audiobook.
- Send them the audiobook (add a gracious, nonreligious message/say a 1/4 million bestseller-nostalgic, inspirational, entertaining, easy read).
- If you’d like to help us defray our costs, we’d be most grateful and you can do it by…
If you want to give another way, you may mail a check to:
L.T.M.I. 810 Oak Meadow Drive, #680131, Franklin, TN 37068
We welcome any other type of donation. For all other types donations please contact us at service@larrytomczak.com.
Friends, for everyone redeemed or who returns to the Lord through our efforts together, we will share an equal reward in heaven. You and I are “ambassadors for Christ, God making his appeal through us”(2Cor.5:20).
Thank you and what a joy to co-labor with you!
Click to download your prefered file format.
M4B is an iTunes audiobook format. MP3 is compatible with most audio players.

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