The Tennessean Editorial Board launched Civility Tennessee in 2018 and continues working on practicing, promoting and encourage civil discourse. Nashville Tennessean
We’ve come far from the days where religion and politics were off the table topics. The key today is to have civility when engaging in such topics.

Almost daily some politician, celebrity, commentator or sports figure is in the news or on The View blasting our president, past historical figures and our nation.

The brilliant architect of our founding documents, Thomas Jefferson, is now persona non grata; Betsy Ross is wiped off Nike shoes because Colin Kaepernick complained; celebration of the Women’s World Cup victory was terribly tarnished because a leader seized the spotlight to sour the world on Trump and America.

Engaging with people to persuade them to a different viewpoint requires sensitivity and skill.

Obviously being a good listener and being well-informed are essential. I offer these additional tips.

Acknowledge mistakes, past injustices

When detractors raise exploitation of Native Americans, slavery, resistance to women voting or segregation, I avoid arguing, and say, “Aren’t you glad we’re not living then? We’ve progressed. Slavery existed all over the world for thousands of years, yet we fought our most devastating war to bring it to an end.”

Some people today upon discovering past blemishes immediately demand removal of statues, murals and exhibits by demonizing historical figures who were a product of their times. Most of us, if we’re honest, fall short of the perfect past we’d like.

The 180 year history of baseball reveals the sad reality that blacks were discriminated against and forced to form their own Negro League. But instead of rage-filled boycotts and destructive campaigns to “pull the plug” on baseball in America, people with character made redemptive changes.

Fresh off my visit to Cooperstown Hall of Fame, I visited the section devoted to this sad chapter.  I observed parents educating children on changes that came when people addressed the problem constructively. Today multitudes of bronze plaques in this shrine pay tribute to white, black, Hispanic and Indian legends of baseball.

Share “Founding Principles” making America special

Based on historical fact, the greatness and generosity of the United States of America is irrefutable. If “Debbie Downers” site Rome as greater, site it was a brutal nation that subjugated people for world conquest.

Socialist countries? Hundreds of millions were slaughtered throughout history in the Soviet Union, China, Hitler’s Germany, Cuba, Venezuela and elsewhere. If they point to countries like Denmark and Norway as the embodiment of prosperity and perfection, mention their population is a mere 5 million.

America could have taken over Germany, Japan, France and Mexico but labored to help them rebuild. Our involvement in Vietnam and Iraq was to protect people from devastation.

The Marshall Plan rebuilt Western Europe after World War, II costing us nearly $100 billion in today’s currency.

Forty-thousand Americans died in Korea to save millions.

A Millennial Awakens Peers

“My Generation is Blind to the Prosperity Around Us”  by a millennial points out that “our poverty line begins 31 times above the global average!”

She torpedoes Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez describing the millennial generation as “an entire generation, which is now becoming one of the largest electorates in America that came of age and never saw American prosperity.”

“That was quite literally the most factually illiterate thing I’ve ever heard in my 26 years on this earth and many young people agree with her which is entirely misguided!”

Share America’s world-changing achievements

The polio vaccine, Created by Jonas Salk, eliminated the crippling disease from our world.

Other innovations: the telephone, light bulb, iPhone, airplane, nuclear energy, combustion engine, refrigerator, and the hearing aid.

Just to name a few.

While people put down America, let’s persuade with civility so multitudes learn to also say, “I’m proud to be an American”.


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