A national newspaper said recently the eyes of America are on Nashville. Why?

I live 30 minutes outside of the city known by the affectionate name of “Music City USA.” In all the years I’ve lived here, I’ve never seen such a turbulent time.

This traditionally religious and patriotic community finds itself in the crosshairs of radical extremists promoting an ideology of “wokeness” that has brought destruction elsewhere and people are discarding cowardice and embracing courage to speak up for the truth and righteousness.

We are finding greater unity and passion for prayer as well as engagement in civic action to be salt and hold back decay.

What are five major developments that have been unfolding on our watch? And, how are people and pastors responding?

The vocal minority are discovering that the silenced majority is throwing off its fear and intimidation to speak up and no longer be silent!

What’s happening here is rippling throughout the nation and may we all “volunteer freely in the day of His power” as Psalm 110:3 decree. We love that verse because Tennessee is the known by our motto, “The Volunteer State.”

Join us in a brave response, and start by taking 10 to watch and become an informed influencer in the day of His power!

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