(REUTERS/Danny Moloshok)
Today’s technology and high-definition sonograms reveal with amazing clarity images of baby’s delightful thumb-sucking and dancing in the womb. It also discloses with certainty DNA and detectable heartbeats of in utero developing little ones.
How far have we fallen as a society when we deny these realities and cavalierly exterminate developing babies?
The New Your Times cleverly covers recent “heartbeat” bills protecting human life by using the replacement phraseology of “embryonic pulsing.” At the same time, the New York Legislature, which previously cheered for abortion until the moment of delivery, just passed a statute forbidding the declawing of cats because it is too “painful … inhumane … cruel” for critters who must be protected!
Multitudes of Americans take advantage of scientific breakthroughs for convenient abortions and what Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas accurately labeled “Eugenics”—selective breeding. Recently PBS featured a chilling documentary where a smiling mother casually aborts her twin babies saying, “I feel a sense of peace.”
My friend and fellow pro-lifer Janet Porter has worked for years in Ohio to pioneer heartbeat legislation. It’s being embraced by Georgia and other states on the cutting edge of upholding the sanctity of human life.
Apparently, the Disney corporation doesn’t like this momentum-building development.
Bob Iger, their “progressive” pro-abortion CEO, told the Reuters news agency they’re threatening to stop film production in Georgia if the “Heartbeat Bill” takes effect that prohibits abortions once a heart starts pumping.
Before God transitioned us to the Nashville area, we lived in Washington, D.C., then Atlanta. We were sent forth from our church to the “Peach State” with the classic Ray Charles song “Georgia on My Mind.” With this recent news, Georgia’s on the mind of millions watching what will happen next.
Disney Hypocrisy?
Does the Disney Corporation really want to boycott Georgia and thereby open the door for millions to do likewise with their theme parks? Their strong LGBTQ advocacy through their ABC- affiliated television shows and gay pride events already has caught the attention of scores of concerned Christians and traditional values-centered families.
Disney has a $5.5 billion theme park resort in Shanghai, China, a nation with forced abortions, repressive human rights, hi-tech monitoring of its population and millions of Christians and Muslims imprisoned in brutal reeducation camps for their faith.
Disney films Star Wars movies in Croatia, which forbids abortions after 10 weeks, and in Bolivia, where the taking of a baby’s life through abortion is illegal.
Their silence is deafening and the hypocrisy is embarrassing for a corporation founded by Walt Disney. He launched his dream for an amusement park because he was concerned for the well-being of children being negatively influenced by sleazy and seductive carnivals of his day.
Does their marketing mantra of “Making Dreams Come True” and their theme song, “When you wish upon a star/ makes no difference who you are” only apply to those deemed acceptable as having a life worthy to be lived? Do we stand by silently smiling and supportive of the Magic Kingdom, or speak up for the silent screams as those in the kingdom of God?
Decades ago, I was arrested in Georgia with over 100 pro-life leaders and individuals in an Operation Rescue peaceful demonstration upholding the sanctity of human life. My conviction has never wavered. Today there is a growing number of compassionate people courageously speaking up for social justice and the protection of our most precious and innocent fellow Americans who are developing in the womb.
Disney, Are You Listening?
Watch this brief testimony of a young woman who heard the truth and realized there was a human being with a beating heart dancing inside her tummy.
If you too have “Georgia on my Mind,” “watch and pray” as Jesus directed that millions be awakened to everyone’s “right to life.”
Nearly 4000 babies are dismembered daily in our nation, and the time has come to obey the mandate of our Master, “Open your mouth for the speechless in the cause of all such as are appointed to destruction” (Prov. 31:8).
Watch this video of the dancing baby in the womb!