(Charisma News archives)

Survey social media, news reports, newspaper and magazine headlines, Planned Parenthood rallies, late-night TV, Saturday Night Live, Whoopi Goldberg’s The View, celebrity postings, Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi—you’ll be led to believe almost all women across America are outraged and united with progressives heralding, “Abortion is this generation’s biggest story, and women en masse are declaring, ‘My body, my choice!'”

Not so fast!

On the surface this formidable foe seems in such lockstep that they will emerge victorious, right? Look again. Think about Esther in the Bible. She answered the call to stand up for human life with the fate of millions of people hanging in the balance. Who knows if you, like Esther, have come into the kingdom “for such a time as this” (Est. 4:14, NKJV)?

Discerning and dedicated citizens are refusing to be duped by a false narrative and a flawed Supreme Court ruling responsible for the extermination of 62 million babies, half of whom were little girls.

And guess who’s leading the charge—lovely ladies, mothers, grandmothers, single moms, high school girls, college co-eds and women serving in the marketplace and positions of political power are the vanguard representing the most visible and vocal champions for a culture of life. A new day is dawning!

“I call heaven and earth to witness against you this day, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and curse. Therefore choose life, that both you and your descendants may live” (Deut. 30:19, MEV).

Females at the Forefront

When Harriet Beecher Stowe, author of Uncle Tom’s Cabin, first met Abraham Lincoln, the president smiled and said, “Is this the little woman who made the great [Civil] war?”

In our generation we can look upon courageous women who became catalysts, like Ms. Stowe; Harriet Tubman, who used the Underground Railroad to free slaves; Rosa Parks, a catalyst for racial equality; and Susan B. Anthony, a pioneer in the women’s suffrage movement who also called for the abolition of abortion.

Multitudes are unaware that Ms. Anthony, honored as the first woman to have her likeness appear on a circulating U.S. coin, was an outspoken advocate for human life. Abortion zealots try to erase her pro-life legacy, just like they do to Norma McCorvey, “Roe” of Roe v. Wade, who said, “I am dedicated to spending the rest of my life undoing the law that bears my name.”

Ms. Anthony boldly declared, “I deplore the horrible crime of child-murder. … We want prevention, not merely punishment. We must reach the root of the evil, and destroy it.”

Today, the Susan B. Anthony List, a nonprofit organization that champions the cause of the unborn, is led by a woman. Likewise is the group Feminists for Life, an organization “shaped by the core feminist values of justice, nondiscrimination, and nonviolence” that for decades has been led by women in its mission to convince women that abortion is immoral. (Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts’ wife is a member, as is former vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin.)

Open Our Eyes

The mushrooming movement of pro-life women was reported by CNN in a commentary titled “Open Your Eyes, Pro-Life Feminists Are Everywhere.”

The enemy of our souls intimidates us into silence by making us feel we’re small, insignificant and alone, just like he did to Elijah in the Bible. God lovingly “smacked him upside the head,” saying He had 7,000 men standing strong, “all of whose knees have not bowed to Baal” (1 Kings 19:18).

Likewise, Elisha had to instill fortitude in his frightened friend because of a multitude that seemed overwhelming. He said, “Do not be afraid, for there are more with us than with them. … Lord, open his eyes and let him see” (2 Kings 6:16-17)!

This doesn’t mean it will be easy to take a stand and, with civility and confidence, tell the truth. This is high-level spiritual warfare, and we must be equipped with responses to counter arguments and change people’s minds (2 Cor. 10:4-5). I encourage you to search the internet for my recent articles and watch my “Week in Review” video on abortion to help you.

There is a price to pay, and opposition will come. I was once cut loose from a church because I took a stand on the issue of gay marriage. (“That’s a dealbreaker,” said the leader.)

Journalist Monica Crowley said she was at an event where she asked a previously pro-abortion celebrity if he tells others that he had become pro-life, and he whispered in her ear, “If I did that I’d never get a job in Hollywood again.”

Chuck Colson, former White House counsel and Prison Fellowship founder, reminds us, “The Christian calling is not only to save souls but also to save minds.” God commands us, “Open your mouth for the speechless in the cause of all such as are appointed to destruction” (Prov. 31:8).

I remember the national prayer event in Washington, D.C., where Mother Teresa was the speaker and seated at her side were rabid pro-abortionist Hillary Clinton and her husband. The diminutive saint didn’t hesitate a bit, saying, “There is no such thing as an unwanted child. If you find one, bring the child to me and I will find him a home.”

She later stated, “We cannot fight credibly against other social and moral ills, including poverty and violence, while we tolerate mass killing by abortion.”

Cultivating a Culture of Life

Sonograms show a baby’s heart beating at five weeks.

The leaked Supreme Court draft opinion written by Justice Alito simply stated that Roe v. Wade was “egregiously wrong from the start.”

Deceased Supreme Court justice and women’s rights advocate Ruth Bader Ginsburg warned that the infamous Roe ruling was flawed, and from the start she disagreed with its base argument.

Dr. Alveda King, the once-pro-abortion niece of Martin Luther King Jr., is one of the most passionate pro-life leaders in America today. She, like millions of compassionate Americans, serves tirelessly to rescue babies and direct women to pregnancy resource centers around the nation where staff and volunteers (mostly women) counsel, care for and come alongside their sisters to guide them on the path to birthing or giving the child to a couple waiting to adopt.

Decades ago, I spent time with the late Nellie Gray, a former federal government attorney who launched the March for Life, held annually to “keep the flame burning” and attitudes shifting to protect developing babies in the womb.

On a special Sunday in our church we honored Nellie with a beautiful plaque for her work and pledged we would continue carrying the torch.

The following is not an exhaustive list (forgive me, anyone I left out), but these are just some of the wonderful groups cultivating a culture of life led by women today.

  • And Then There Were None—Abby Johnson
  • Concerned Women for America
  • National Right to Life
  • Feminists for Life
  • March for Life
  • Students for Life
  • Americans United for Life
  • Heartbeat Bills—Janet Porter
  • Live Action—Lila Rose
  • Last Days Ministries—Melody Green
  • Susan B. Anthony List
  • Save the Storks
  • New Wave Feminists
  • Catholic Charities USA

Here’s the Deal

The tide is turning, so be encouraged. I just watched an amazing film called The Matter of Life, directed by 34-year-old Tracy Robinson. It exposes the hypocrisy of Planned Parenthood and its founder, Margaret Sanger (a racist who influenced Hitler), while highlighting the role women play in the pro-life movement today. It’s excellent and more proof that God is working mightily today!

“We stand at a critical point in history where the legality of abortion is being challenged in the highest courts. Now more than ever, it is important for everyone to know where they stand on abortion and why.” — Tracy Robinson 

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