Robert De Niro in the 1970s (Robert De Niro Facebook page)

Fifty years ago, Robert De Niro starred in a comedy crime film based on the life of a real gangster who just couldn’t get things done. Critics called The Gang That Couldn’t Shoot Straight a “tasteless mess” and the lead actress “terrible”—probably a reflection of the overall film, which is still shown on Turner Classic Movies.

For the past three years I, along with other “watchmen on the wall,” have warned that Joe Biden was not up to the task of holding the most powerful position on the planet and would be a disaster in the Oval Office doing the dirty work of the Democrat progressive radicals trying to transform America into a secular, socialist country.

Because I love this great nation established upon Judeo-Christian foundations that have made us the envy of the world and brought us untold blessings for almost 250 years, I say it’s time to write “Ichabod” over this man and his administration. They are the modern equivalent of the “gang that couldn’t shoot straight” and are harming our nation in innumerable ways.

The following are just 10 of probably 50 reasons that should prove my point. If you missed my last commentary, “Suggested Draft: A Letter of Apology and Repentance From President Biden to Americans,” I encourage you to read it and see if you don’t agree. The brutal reality is that in 17 months he’s not had one policy achievement while bringing untold misery to millions of Americans.

Biden on the Ropes

1. Upon entering office, Biden pledged with lofty rhetoric to unify Americans, but he has divided us in a way not seen since the Civil War era. Recently, after a Far-Left hater of conservatives and Fox News killed 12 people in a Buffalo supermarket, Joe engaged in dangerous demagoguery, saying our body politic has been poisoned by white supremacists. That is propaganda and patently untrue!

2. A total of $163 billion of our taxpayer federal pandemic aid has been lost to fraud because of Biden’s incompetent oversight and lack of proper accountability.

3. Our southern border crisis escalates daily, endangering our national security as 2 million illegal immigrants, including drug traffickers, criminals, sexual predators, kidnappers, prisoners and terrorists (43 on our watch list), poured into this country promised free medical care by President Biden. The cartels supply gangs with drugs, contributing to the 107,000 overdose deaths in America in 2021 (two-thirds of which were caused by fentanyl) and skyrocketing gang-related violent crime in our cities. Mr. Biden has not even gone to the border since 2008, and according to his own former press secretary, even then he only drove through it.

4. As a professing Christian/Catholic, Joe Biden has hypocritically and aggressively championed the most radical abortion position in US history, celebrating the extermination of unborn babies (follow the science: babies’ hearts begin beating at five weeks) so that at any time, for any reason, up until the moment of birth developing infants can be killed. Every child of God has the right to an abortion, Joe proudly declared.

5. Inflation, gas prices, interest rates, prices of goods and services, the stock market, national debt, savings accounts, 401(k)s, supply chains (baby formula!), our entire economy … all are shaking violently while Biden blames the virus and Vlad, seemingly clueless as to the severity of what’s happening and worsening. Like the Carter years, this was preventable, as we were prospering during the past administration with 1.4% inflation and gas prices averaging $2.56 per gallon. From day one Biden capitulated to Green New Deal zealots, stopped the Keystone XL Pipeline and instituted regulations on the energy industry, causing disastrous consequences by violating basic laws of supply and demand.

6. Contradicting his military advisers, Biden recklessly withdrew our troops from Afghanistan, resulting in an unmitigated disaster that played out on the world stage, one of the low points in our history. Our state-of-the-art air base and $80 billion of sophisticated equipment were handed to a gleeful Taliban (now reconstituting with ISIS) by recruiting, training and arming those committed to destroying the “infidels” of America.

7. Biden elevated the Black Lives Matter Foundation and brought them to the White House. The group was later revealed to be con artists who collected over $90 million from the George Floyd tragedy. BLM’s Marxist, lesbian leader Patrisse Cullors’ tax returns show purchases of multiple mansions and multiple millions shelled out to her child’s baby daddy, her brother and a board member in addition to private jet trips. Recently, Cullors tearfully posted about how she was confronted at her lavish headquarters/residence by Candace Owens, whom Cullors says “harassed” and “threatened” her, mentioning prayer and references to God. Also, Cullors had a security detail although her organization calls for defunding the police.

8. “A man is known by the company he keeps,” so consider Biden’s picks: Vice President Kamala Harris (unqualified embarrassment); Alejandro Mayorkas, Director of Homeland Security (confused incompetent); Pete Buttigieg, Secretary of Transportation (MIA during the airline mess); Karine Jean-Pierre, White House Press Secretary (longtime race-baiter); a yet-to-be-named Disinformation Board Director (Nina Jankowicz, Biden’s first appointee, resigned after three weeks after being exposed for past cover-ups); Rachel Levine, Assistant Secretary for Health (born a man, now a trans “woman”).

9. Pressure reveals the person, and during the “COVID crisis,” instead of inspiring, Biden alienated the masses, angrily pushing vaccine and mask mandates repeatedly overturned by the courts, stubbornly refusing to give any credit to his predecessor for producing the vaccine at warp speed, and misleading citizens by categorically stating in December 2021 that for a fully vaccinated and boosted person, a case of COVID-19 would most likely mean no symptoms, saying they are “protected from severe illness and death.” The data now shows the error of Joe’s declaration.

10. On his first anniversary in office, a buoyant Biden read from his teleprompter about a prospering America. That very day an unbiased nationwide poll on Politico revealed a vastly different assessment and an almost-80-year-old man in a state of denial: 37% gave his performance a grade of F and 12% gave it a D. Nearly six months later Biden’s approval rating is near where Nixon’s was when he resigned, and only a scant percentage of diehards and Trump-haters believe this obviously cognitive deficient elder politician has us on the right track. Biden’s response: “I don’t believe in polls.”

Here’s the Deal

There are so many more reasons for Biden’s catastrophic collapse. In 17 months he has no accomplishments whatsoever. All of his initiatives have failed (“Build Back Better,” the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act, the Equality Act, ending the filibuster, eliminating the “Remain in Mexico” policy) along with his aggressive leftist agenda and ongoing entitlement giveaways in spite of a $30 trillion national debt!

The Gang That Couldn’t Shoot Straight was a comedy, but what we’re enduring under Biden is criminal. The Democratic Party needs a total makeover. May the expected bloodbath in the midterms jolt them so they don’t merely flip it off as an “off year” but rather a time for a total reset. 

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