In five months we will hold what is likely the most consequential election for president in America’s history. While our hope and focus are not primarily in an earthly leader, we do know that the Bible says, “When the righteous are in authority  the people rejoice, but when the wicked rule, the people groan” (Prov. 29:2, NIV).

When President John Quincy Adams left the White House he was questioned about why he continued to fight against slavery. He told the young congressman, “Duty is our responsibility. Results are God’s responsibility.”

Let’s rise to the occasion with strong intercessory prayer, staying informed on the issues and engaging 100% to see America once again restored to a position of prominence on the world stage for the glory of God.

Take 10 to survey 10 priorities if there is a shift in the White House come 2025. Do you concur with this list? Check it out.

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