Under the cover of night, Joe Biden declared he was running for reelection. He gave a 3-minute video called “Freedom” from a teleprompter declaring he was the defender of democracy and standing against extremists who want to make America great again.

The Bible states, “When the righteous are in authority the people rejoice; when the wicked man rules the people groan” (Prov. 29:2). With what’s been unfolding these past two years under the Biden administration, are we rejoicing or groaning?

In Ezekiel 33, God says He puts “watchmen on the wall” to warn His people before it’s too late. Charles Spurgeon gave a sermon on this text entitled “The Warning Neglected.”

May it not be said of our generation that we were asleep during this critical hour, when we are no longer living in Jerusalem, but Babylon.

Take 10 to make sure you are an informed influencer and inspiring all you can so there is a turnaround and the long anticipated Third Great Awakening we desperately need.

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