Constant change is here to stay! It’s happening at an accelerated pace, but are you paying attention? Do you care?

Are you aware of how changes are happening impacting your life, family, finances and the future of our nation?

The Bible tells us, “The prudent man sees danger and hides himself, but the simple pass on, and suffer for it” (Prov. 22:3, NET).

In this brief, compelling and fast-paced video commentary, a “watchman on the wall” surveys the scene to expose 21 destructive things harming us over the past two years. It’s not too late for a turnaround, but you must be educated and then engaged, so we have hope, vision and motivation to “give our utmost for His highest” in this turbulent time.

What an exciting time we live in, with the adventure unfolding to advance His kingdom and give all the glory to Him!

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