Not long ago, Anderson Cooper put forth information on nationwide TV that needed to be examined. The Bible directs us to discern those using “smooth talk and flattery to deceive the hearts of the unsuspecting” (Rom.16:18b).

In our culture of increasing deception, pastors are awakening to recognize their God-given responsibility to teach their people uncompromising truth on the controversial issues of today so their flocks are not falling prey to the “trickery of men, by craftiness with deceitful scheming”(Eph.4:14c).

Immediately, following lesbian activist Ellen DeGeneres in trying to deceive the masses on the avalanche of gay propaganda today, CNN and “60 Minutes” news personality Anderson Cooper tried the same thing.

Watch this brief but compelling video that captivated multitudes and helped us see through the clever spinning of narratives that bombard us every day.

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