Jesus told us that we are the “salt of the earth,” but if we lose our saltiness we are no good except to be “thrown out and trampled underfoot by men” (Matt. 5:13b, NKJV).

Salt prevents decay, and that is part of our role as Christians in our world. Salt also makes people thirsty, and so we are to lead our lives daily in a way to draw people to Jesus, making them thirsty and desirous of following Him.

Each of us has the opportunity to engage people in our relational sphere and trust Him for divine appointments to influence others for righteousness.

We’re not to be argumentative, combative or uncharitable but winsome in our witness for Christ and godly values. When we accept others, listen to them and then ask them questions respectfully, we can get them thinking about the issues of our day and who would be best to lead us.

Take 10 to learn some challenging questions you can run by people to get them thinking because of your skillful and sensitive service as an ambassador of Christ.

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