Because they had violated His commands and drifted from His ways, God said judgment and a day of reckoning would come. The people sowed foolishness and evil so an inevitable storm of consequences would result.

This is exactly what is happening in America! The falsehoods, deception and insidious narratives have proven bankrupt and now there is an opportunity for a turnaround of a nation back to God.

The midterm elections Nov. 7 and 8 provide patriotic and conservative Americans the chance to clean house and start afresh.

General William Booth of the Salvation Army wrote a classic manual called “In Darkest England and the Way Out” in the mid-1800s. He declared, “I’m not waiting for a move of God, I am a move of God!”

Are you a candidate for a third Great Awakening in America? Will you step off the sidelines and pray fervently, confess humbly and vote biblically in this seminal moment?

Brothers and sisters in the family of God, our time has arrived to bring hope and have heaven sent revival and reformation in our day. Watch this video and see the potential for what could happen this week. 

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