When you were a child or young person, most likely your parents took you to the circus. After 150 years, when Ringling Brothers and Barnum and Bailey Circus closed down and succumbed to the woke culture and animal rights groups, advocates of the LGBTQ agenda saw an opportunity and an alternative.

But it is far—very far—from the teachings of God.

All across America, in elementary schools, high schools, colleges, in auditoriums and at various “gay pride” events, parents are naïvely coming to so-called “family friendly” and “all ages” drag shows.

Is this appropriate for adults let alone children?

What exactly takes place at these so-called “fun family events?”

Why is this becoming such a phenomenon and achieving such success all over the country?

The Bible tells us “There is nothing new under the sun”(Eccl.1:9). Prepare yourself and those you love so you’ll have no regrets having been seduced by malevolent forces at work in our culture to sexualize and propagandize our most vulnerable ones, our children.

Take 10 and watch this educational video and post it and pass it along to others with whom you have influence! 

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