The Jesus Revolution movie continues to draw large audiences across America. Onlookers can only imagine what it must’ve been like to sit under passionate preaching that led to hundreds of thousands of conversions!

Founder of the Methodist Church, John Wesley, who preached late into his 80’s, instructed those he trained not to worry about getting a crowd but to just “go out, catch fire and people will come to watch you burn!”

One such fiery evangelist in the Jesus Movement was father in the faith Bob Weiner who led scores of young people to Christ and then got them planted in churches primarily on a college campus. The family of Maranatha churches exploded throughout the nation in the 1960s and 1970s as huge numbers of young people were equipped through dynamic leadership conferences and their creative Forerunner publications.

Take 10 and watch this faith filled evangelist in action so he can impart to you his gift of faith and love for the lost. He’s still the same after five decades of faithful and fruitful ministry.

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