The Bible teaches that all human life is sacred, from the womb to the tomb. God directs us to “Open your mouth for the speechless, In the cause of all who are appointed to die” (Prov. 31:8, NKJV).

With the most consequential election in America’s history rapidly approaching, the progressive Left has its centerpiece of abortion on demand at any time at taxpayer expense. Alveda King, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s niece, counters with a biblical worldview and insights so you can engage with people in a compassionate, courageous and confident way.

Let her mentor you as she speaks from the Lincoln Memorial in a stirring presentation, and make sure you go to and click on the Bullseye graphic so you can instantaneously watch, free and on-demand, 30 similar videos by top leaders so you are an informed influencer in this critical day. WATCH!

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