Many conservatives were crushed and some became cynical after last week’s events. They embraced predictions and prophecies of a “big red wave” that they think was a red trickle!

Are they diagnosing correctly? Should we be discouraged?

Was the expected, cataclysmic course correction a misfire?

God reminds us in Hosea 8:4 that ” They set up kings but not by me; they made princes and I know it not.”

In the midst of economic disaster, violent crime, immigration chaos, explosive inflation, recession, escalating gas prices, shortages, interest rates and epidemic drugs distribution, how are we to respond?

There is a “sweet spot” in the spirit which will give us hope for the future plus calm our fears. It’s called the “radical middle” and the time is now to get situated so we can go forth filled with faith as we remain steadfast to advance God’s kingdom at this critical time.

Take 10 to be equipped and inspired concerning what we’re to do at this time. 

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