Encouragement is to the soul what oxygen is to the body. The Bible tells us to “encourage one another daily” (Heb.3:13a, NIV).

In these turbulent times, we need it more than ever!

Take 10 to watch this inspirational video commentary sharing the secret principle of growth that comes through partnership and the process of faithfulness.

Jesus taught in the parable of the growing seed that the harvest comes through a process that takes time and is not seen to natural eyes. Yet God is at work through the ministry of our “Helper,” whom Jesus said would be with us at all times (John 15:26a, NKJV). “I planted, Apollos watered, but God gave the increase” (1 Cor. 3:6).

Gain fresh encouragement and motivation to stay focused and passionate by listening to some very exciting things happening right now in America. 

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