We should all know in our hearts and from Scripture that, without a true revival, a nation will continue declining and be destroyed. America is on that trajectory!

We can’t simply pray for God to “send a supernatural revival to turn things around.” Biblically and historically, we see key requirements that facilitate the miraculous in-breaking of God!

Have you been educated on these essentials? They all begin with the letter “H” and give us hope for America’s future if we learn and apply them.

In 2008, after embarrassing defeats on the world stage, NBA superstars learned from Kobe Bryant one of these essentials and it changed the culture of the team, propelling them to win the gold medal.

Do you know the quality?

When Christianity’s titan reformer, Martin Luther, nailed his 95 theses to the Wittenberg door, do you know what he listed first that is essential for revival?

The Psalmist declared, “Will you not revive us again that we may rejoice in you?”(Ps. 85:6).

Take 10 and be involved in the greatest outpouring of the Spirit bringing in the promised “harvest at the end of the age.”

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