Jesus left us with the Great Commission (not the Great Suggestion) to communicate the gospel to every person, and a massive gathering of lost young people gave teams of compassionate Christians a golden opportunity!

You’ll be inspired by listening and watching so flames can be rekindled in your heart as an “ambassador for Christ” (2 Cor. 5:20) and “minister of reconciliation” (2 Cor. 5:18) to our generation.

If you long to see another Jesus Revolution and Great Awakening in America, then God’s people must shake off any passivity to let the Holy Spirit instill fresh passion in our hearts to reach those who are lost and headed for eternity in hell apart from the miracle of new birth.

Watch and share this with your friends, family and church so we engage in the harvest at the end of the age. And utilize the free resource of “Loving Lifestyle Evangelism” 20-minute YouTube videos today. 

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