Red Alert: Leftist politicians are aggressively maneuvering to bring about a total redefinition of marriage abolishing thousands of years of historical precedent. The deceptive “Respect for Marriage Act” nearing passage is coming our way like a runaway freight train! It is stoppable but we must take action immediately.

The early church community quoted Psalm 2 where leaders wanted to “throw off restraints.” They prayed and engaged and we must do likewise before it’s too late.

When the left takes control, they bring ruin whether it’s our economy, education, border, elections, entertainment, journalism, criminal justice or marriage and family. They act as they do because they have no moral code and seek to establish their notion of society where “every man does what’s right in his own eyes. “

Thomas Jefferson warned us in the beginning of our nation: “Those entrusted with power have over time and slow operation perverted it into tyranny and it is believed that the most effectual means of preventing this tyranny would be to illuminate the minds of the people at large.”

That is our task and we will unite to advance God’s rule and be salt stopping decay!

Invest 10 to be equipped and inspired on this path.

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