Jesus prayed we would be set apart in truth (Jn.17:17).

The incestuous relationship between corrupt corporate media and the radicalized Democrat party works aggressively to bombard us with lies. The Jan. 6 so-called “insurrection” is the most brazen example as of late.

Franklin Graham said the cause of the out-of-control protest is the “swamp”—corruption in the Capital.

Kamala Harris equates the event, where one person was mistakenly shot, with Pearl Harbor and 9/11 where a combined 5,300 deaths occurred. President Joe Biden branded it an “armed insurrection” (not one rioter had a firearm), says it “went on for hours” (actually 88 min.) and that Donald Trump “rallied the mob to attack” (a lie: Trump said proceed “peacefully” three times).

Who’s telling the big lie? Take 10 and be an informed influencer amidst widespread delusion. 

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