Sending children off to college today is filled with excitement and challenges many of us never faced in our day. Our permissive society and cancel culture try to eradicate traditional standards regarding sexuality and moral purity.

A “USA Today” national survey of young Americans found a whopping 76% of 18-31 year-olds believe living together before marriage is acceptable. Once away from home, many hook up in a living arrangement with their newly discovered boyfriend or girlfriend, and they enjoy the conveniences.

Multitudes of young people raised in a good Christian environment face seductive temptations and drift from their faith during this season.

As a parent, grandparent or pastor, watch this brief and thoroughly biblical video that will prepare you to have an in-depth conversation with your son or daughter before they depart. Watch it with them and have a great conversation and time of prayer so they’ll stand strong amidst the avalanche of temptations they’ll inevitably encounter. 

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