America is at a crossroads. The November midterm elections will determine our country’s future. We know we’re going over a cliff, but we can halt the hemorrhaging to turn it around if we all vote and vote biblically.

Our Founding Father, Thomas Jefferson, warned us: “All tyranny needs to gain a foothold is for people of good conscience to remain silent.”

We’re all awakening to the brutal reality that our country is badly broken. Why? “When the righteous are in authority the people rejoice but when the wicked rule the people groan.”

It didn’t have to be. All of this current mess was preventable and we’re not going to remain silent or sit on the sidelines anymore.

Pastors, inspire your people. As a patriotic, principled Christian who takes seriously our mandate to be the “salt of the earth,” let’s pray and engage in voting responsibly Nov. 8.

Watch this video now and get fired up to make a difference.

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