Brittney Griner (Brittney Griner Facebook page)

After months of detention in Russia on drug smuggling charges she outwardly acknowledged, WNBA celebrity Brittney Griner was “set free” and returned to America this week.

In the meantime, the less-celebrated Marine Paul Whelan remains in a maximum-security penal colony having been sentenced to 16 years after a closed door “kangaroo court” trial convicted him on charges he totally denies and labels “fraudulent.”

At the White House celebration, Joe Biden and Kamala Harris posed for pictures with Cherelle Griner, Brittney’s second lesbian “wife.” Biden said she was released after “painstaking and intense negotiations.”

Brittney Griner was swapped for Victor Bout, currently imprisoned in a 25-year sentence having been convicted in federal court for “conspiracy to kill American citizens and officials.” He is a radical terrorist and mass murderer nicknamed “The Merchant of Death.”

While many Americans are delighted to see Brittney come home, multitudes question Biden’s decision as the world looks on the exchange and public legitimization and celebration of gay “marriage.”

To understand the complexities of the situation, it’s beneficial to know the “rest of the story,” as Paul Harvey used to say.

What Happened

In February of this year, Brittney Griner, an American professional women’s basketball player, was arrested in Russia for breaking the law by carrying marijuana cartridges into a nation that will not tolerate recreational drugs. She was caught “red-handed,” detained for months, pled guilty and subsequently was sentenced to nine years in prison.

Many Americans don’t like the Russian criminal justice system and put pressure on Biden to do something—anything—to get her out. Secretary of State Blinken made an offer publicly to exchange prisoners to secure her release. Her sympathizers applaud the “progressive” maneuver and say, “Let’s get on with it, it should be a done deal!”

Not so fast!

The prisoner swap would let loose an extremist who was considered one of the world’s most wanted killers. He is a terrorist and convicted mass murderer of Americans and government officials. He is extremely dangerous and has been locked up to protect our nation and other countries as well.

Who is Ms. Griner?

Brittney Griner is a 6 foot 9-inch WNBA basketball player, She is 31 years old, 205 pounds and wears a size 17 shoe. Russian authorities required her to have a DNA test to determine if she is masculine or feminine in gender. Putin and his party don’t much care for being “woke.”

Growing up, Griner says she was bullied because of her size. She attended the largest Southern Baptist university in America, Baylor, which is strongly Christian and maintains an over 100-year tradition of a weekly chapel for all the students.

She proudly proclaims herself a lesbian which caused her father, a Marine, to have her move out of the home.

She dated a superstar from the L.A. Lakers, but eventually “married” a woman who had twins in-vitro. Griner divorced her partner after being arrested on assault charges (required to have 26 weeks of domestic violence classes), then “married” another lesbian.

Brittney was featured unclothed in ESPN Magazine—the “Taboo Issue”—and pictured holding a snake which is her favorite animal. She regularly models “menswear” for Nike.

Brittney has projected an anti-American persona as she protested the National Anthem, declaring that she would not go on the court if it was played, called on the WNBA to stop playing the National Anthem during the entire season and at any sporting events.

Babylon Bee said recently, “Brittney Griner was rewarded with nine years of not hearing the US National Anthem.”

Dinesh D’Souza, author and filmmaker, commented, “I suspect what happened with Brittney Griner is she became massively entitled in this country—’I’m black, I’m a lesbian and I am a leftist, so I am a superior person and basically above the law.’ Then she discovered to her astonishment that other countries don’t see it that way!”

Former President Donald Trump said this was a sad case, but “She knew you don’t go in there loaded up with drugs—she admitted it.” (Clay Travis and Buck Sexton Show (7/30/22).

Becky Hammon, American-Russian and head coach of a WNBA team and a devout Christian, said the case is “heartbreaking” but “athletes really have to think twice where they go; quickly being snatched and become a political pawn.” (USA Today 8/8/22)

“You do something, you have to pay the price for it.”—Brittney Griner, 2015 ESPN Body Issue

Who is Victor Bout?

Victor Bout is the prisoner in the so-called “prisoner swap.” He is not some low-level offender, but a convicted radical terrorist and mass murderer of Americans and others. His nickname is “The Merchant of Death.”

He was one of the worlds most wanted killers dealing high-level weapons and missiles to the Taliban, Al-Qaeda, terrorists and militants in the Congo, Rwanda, Columbia and elsewhere. You may recall an entire movie entitled, “Lord of War” was done on his savagery and capture.

Red alert: Victor Bout is a psychopath akin to a lieutenant under Bin Laden. He’s extremely dangerous. Is it evil plain and simple to let him loose to resume his demonic work?

The Bigger Picture

Joe Biden is perceived as a weak leader after the unmitigated disaster of the Afghanistan withdrawal, Putin’s invasion of the Ukraine and the forthcoming China takeover of Taiwan like Hong Kong. As his handlers recently buffed up his image as more of a “tough guy” in “Top Gun” aviator glasses and jacket, Joe needed to get this problem fixed.

He’s a puppet of progressives (Socialists, Marxists and Globalists) who are soft on crime, criminals and prosecution; advocate defunding the police, downplaying law and order while minimizing lawlessness; viewing criminals as “victims” in a “racist” society; releasing prisoners; promoting no bail; and allowing an “open borders” philosophy resulting in an avalanche of illegal foreign terrorists, sex traffickers, drug dealers and kidnappers camouflaged among many “good” people.

On the international scene, rejecting a Reaganesque “peace through strength” approach, leaders in Russia, China, North Korea, Iran, Cuba, Venezuela and elsewhere want to seize the opportunity for expansion and domination of the United States at this time.

So why not offer an extremely dangerous terrorist for a civilian?

Will yielding to this type of prisoner exchange encourage other enemies of America to capture Americans and then use them as bait … hostages? This is not about exchanging spies or POWs as we’ve done in the past. The lives of multitudes matter.

The world is watching and there are serious ramifications to what Biden did at this pivotal time.

Here’s the Deal: As patriotic Americans and compassionate Christians, we must continue praying for our leaders. Ever since her sentencing, I personally prayed for Brittney Griner daily. In her trial she lamented that she had been “tossed into a bewildering legal system.”

We hope God used this situation to bring her to an end of herself, that she would turn to Christ for healing from her brokenness and discover gratitude to God for all she’s been blessed with and probably taken for granted as a citizen of the United States. In subsequent interviews, listen carefully to what she says. 

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